Monday, August 23, 2010

A Good Day


Pbreakfast 1



Preading materials


From this angle, these door knobs remind me of a set of demure twins...


...but from this one, they remind me of a set of eyes.



We're moving a week from tomorrow. Its just across town, but we're going to have our own place again after living with other people for the past few years. Its a bittersweet moment and as we've taken down our pictures and packed our books, I've given in to a bit of nostalgia about this place that I've enjoyed living in so much.


  1. I love the effect of the third pic, nice lily pad.

    Wow changes in store for you both, best of luck with the move.
    xxx DJ

  2. such neat photos capturing the beauty of everyday objects. Exciting news about your new abode!!

  3. Yay moving! It'll be such a new exciting adventure for you! Aww your black cat is so cute :)

  4. best of luck with the move

    the food looks so delicious

  5. looks like the perfect day! good to see you're posting again! <3

  6. Lovely bits of your day, and your breakfast looked delicious! Are you taking the cat with you? :) So nosy...

  7. Beautiful photographs! It does seem like a lovely day. I WANT it! Esp. the food and reading parts!

  8. Relish the moments :) Altho moving into your own space is such a good thing as well.

  9. Aaack! You have made me terribly hungry.

    Good luck on the move! Make sure to show photos of the new place. :)

  10. I know the feeling. But I'm very much looking forward to how your outfit photos turn out in your new place! I love these little snapshots you took, especially the first few - that coffee looks delicious and I am feeling tempted to brew some right now, even though it's bed time here.


  11. I hate moving -- it's both oddly freeing and also filled with a peculiar sadness, you're right. These are lovely photos. I'm so in love with the doorknobs.


  12. Thanks for your comment, so nice to know you liked the secret. It is so nice to have you back blogging again.

  13. Love your demure eyeball twins. ;)

    Moving brings up the oddest set of emotions. It's like putting excitement, nostalgia and the unknown in a blender. Enjoy your final days in your house and embrace the new beginning!

  14. These all photographs are really very beautiful i like these so much. Its a bittersweet moment and as we've taken down our pictures and packed our books. In all these there are so many things which is great.

  15. clean images that capture the beauty of everyday objects. Exciting news for the new apartment!

  16. It is only in the city, but we will have our own place again after living with other people in recent years. It's a bittersweet moment as we took our pictures and full of books.

  17. I love these little snapshots you took, especially the first few - that coffee looks delicious and I am feeling tempted to brew some right now, even though it's bed time here.

  18. It's like putting excitement, nostalgia and the unknown in a blender. Enjoy your final days in your house and embrace the new beginning

  19. These all outfit photos turn out in your new place! I love these little snapshots you took, especially the first few - that coffee looks delicious and I am feeling tempted to brew some right now.

  20. Its a bittersweet moment and as we've taken down our pictures and packed our books. In all these there are so many things which is great.

  21. The living with other people in recent years. It's a bittersweet moment as we took our pictures and full of books.


I'd love to hear your thoughts!